Sunday, September 1, 2013

September Photo Challenge

Well folks, it's September!!! I am finally going to start this "monthly photo challenge" thing that's been going around! So, I began to look around to see if there were any "challenges" that I wanted to do. I didn't. Instead, I got ideas from several different ones and made my own! My plan is to do it along side my cousin. (She's the one who got me interested!) If you like the challenge, include #sassyseptember in your post! So, let's have some fun this month and see what everyone comes up with! :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Baby Girl... Growing Up...

Summer is winding down and my baby girl will soon be TWO!! How crazy?!? I cannot believe how fast time has flown. It seems like just yesterday we were coming home from the hospital with her in her hot pink skirt and, of course, a hair bow! My how time flies and how much things have changed. I am soaking up my time that I have with my girl and cherishing every moment. Before I know it, I'll be sending her off to Kindergarten. Man, I dread those days. I just switched her crib into a toddler bed. I'm not gonna lie... I teared up a little bit. I didn't see it coming either! The first thing she did was start jumping up and down on it. She started the first night sleeping in her bed. I ended up sleeping on the floor beside her because she still wakes up in the middle of the night. We shall see how this second night goes!  Better go get some rest. I'm sure I'll end up in her room again tonight! Sigh! Note to self: Cherish these moments. It won't be like this forever. She will soon grow up.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Back at it!

Well, I've decided to give this another go! I went to work for a several months, but decided that staying home with my little one was best for me and my family. It's a choice that I am blessed to have been able to make. I know my husband probably rolls his eyes from time to time with my constant changes of mind and heart! Lord, bless him!

What's new? I've started back to the gym, because I put on about 10 pounds while I was at work. Gotta love working with a bunch of Baptists! :) I am a Zumba fanatic, but decided to give yoga a try. What a humbling experience! I didn't know a quarter of the terms that were being used... So, I was trying to copy one of my fellow "Zumba-ers" and let's just say I'm not quite that advanced. I actually face-planted on one of the moves. But hey, I tried! That counts for something right? Not to mention, I'm VERY sore in my arms. I'll definitely be back to the yoga class, but not without a little practicing in my living room!

Other than back in the gym, I am trying to expand my cooking skills! I'll post some of my favorite recipes that I found, courtesy of Pinterest, at a later time. I have to go wake the little one up from her nap.

Ta-ta for now!